For 19-year-old Mason, AFC Fylde Community Foundation’s Fylde Focus programme has helped his confidence as he begins his construction apprenticeship with Rosscon Apprenticeships and Training.
AFC Fylde Community Foundation has extensive experience in providing positive employment outcomes for people between the ages of 16 and 65 and has successfully been providing support for young people who are not in employment, education or training through the UKSPF and Fylde Council-funded Fylde Focus Programme since April 2023.
Members of AFC Fylde Community Foundation’s supported Mason to get back into employment and training, having been referred by the local Jobcentre.
Mason has had previous experience of employment, but through his referral, was supported by the Foundation.
This exciting project for Fylde will enable AFC Fylde Community Foundation to continue working with local businesses and build on their existing relationships to support people in work.
Mentoring and one-on-one support will be provided for participants, along with lots of information on apprenticeship routes provided to Year 11 students, ensuring they have the correct information to make informed decisions on their future.
Jim Marshall, Employability and Skills Officer at AFC Fylde Community Foundation, said: “Mason was very open about his ambitions and how he saw himself achieving those ambitions.
“He told me how he ultimately wanted to work as a qualified tradesman in construction, perhaps on a self-employed basis running his own business. I suggested that he might benefit from training and gaining industry recognised qualifications, perhaps a college course or apprenticeship.
“Mason recognised that this would be an effective route for him and that he would start to look at opportunities. Working together we found an opportunity with a training provider which was looking to take on apprentices in early 2024. An appointment was arranged, and Mason had a very productive experience which has led to him beginning his apprenticeship in early February.”
If you’re a business owner based in the borough of Fylde and are interested in this programme, please get in touch with Chris McNally at AFC Fylde Community Foundation on 01772 598856 or via email chris.mcnally@afcfylde.co.uk.