Our Employability, Education and Skills team have produced a combined effort across two of our programmes to find Adam Hartshore, employment.
Adam was referred through to our ‘Fylde Focus’ programme via St Anne’s Job Centre. During his first meeting with the Foundation staff, he stated that he wanted a career in administration.
We supported Adam by attending Blackpool and Fylde College open days – deciding that an apprenticeship might be the best outcome for him.
Up next on Adam’s to-do-list was to complete the online courses that our team set up, to help the 26-year-old gain extra qualifications. These courses included IT Support, tool kit and Level Two admin support at PHX Training.
Our staff were delighted that they managed to find an apprenticeship as part of a High School admin team based within Fylde, unfortunately, the offer was rescinded due to circumstances out of ours and Adam’s control.
Despite this knockback, Adam didn’t stagnate or let him get it down. We contacted a company called Atos, whilst he continued to work alongside our staff on our ‘Training Ground’ programme.
Adam made sure he was suitably prepared for interviews and any potential scenarios that could may have been presented to him. He also amended his CV and covering letter with the help of our staff.
He then attended an interview by himself at Atos and was extremely proud to inform us that he had been offered an admin role within the company.
Jim Marshall, our Employability and Skills Co-ordinator, who oversaw the ‘Training Ground’ project, said: “Two programmes being able to come together and make a combined effort to help someone find their way back into employment is amazing.
“I really enjoy running ‘Training Ground’, so being able to see the rewards of your efforts so shortly afterwards is a brilliant feeling.
“We all work really hard at the Foundation to ensure that everyone who requires our services benefits from them as much as they possibly can.”
Adam stated how grateful he was for all the support he was provided with by the Foundation across both programmes participated in – he started his new position at the beginning of December 2024.